
Instantly decreases the level of a tank by a specified quantity. If the tank has insufficient quantity, it empties as material becomes available. ProModel sets the tank state to Tank_Idle if you decrease the level to 0. Otherwise the state remains unchanged.

Use Tank_Dec to instantly remove a specific quantity from a tank.


<Tank ID>

The tank name or location index number.


The number of units by which to decrement the contents of the tank (gallons, pounds).


A fill tank fills one 10-gallon container every 15 seconds. After filling, each container moves to a location called FillStation. To model this activity, define the following activated subroutine (this subroutine creates a filled container every 15 seconds):

Tank_Loop //logic repeats continuously



Tank_Dec(FillTank, 10)

ORDER 1 Container TO FillStation
